Dosbarth Pine - Mr Powell 2024 - 2025
Mr Powell
Class Teacher
Croeso i Dosbarth Pine!
Welcome back to school and to our class page! We hope you have had an enjoyable summer. We hope that our class page will provide you with a window to what we are doing in school. Now let's find out about what we will be learning about this term...
Theme: Explore!
Topic title: Guardians of the Earth: Protecting our Planet
This half term you will be learning...
Maths and Numeracy – Place Value and the 4 rules of number- addtion, subtraction, multplication and division.
Language, Literacy and Communication (LLC) - Instrcution writing, information books and fomral letter writing will be covered this term, alongside our SPaG sessions which will support the different genres of wrting.
Science and Technology– Life cycles and classification, Materials and Recycling.
Humnaities – We will be taking a closer look at different parts of the planet, finding out about different animals and environments.
Expressive Arts - Oenone Hammersley and Helen Cowcher are two artists that we will studying. Both artists have created work that has been inspired by the wildife and world around us.
Health & Well-being and PE- Health related exerise for our PE lessons, Jigsaw (PSHE scheme of work) and KiVa.
ICT – We will develop our ICT and Digital Competency Framework (DCF) skills through engaging activities focused on safe internet use, basic coding, and digital content creation. They will also learn how to collaborate online effectively, enhance their problem-solving abilities, and use technology responsibly in everyday tasks.
Welsh - Manylion Personol
Helpful information about our class:
Reading - We are expected to read and have our reading records signed at least 3 times each week.
Spellings- Spelling lists will be focused on over a two week period. New lists will be given out on a Monday, with a small weekly test each Friday.
PE – Our PE lessons are on a Thursday afternoon, so the children can come to school dressed wearing the correct PE kit.
Diolch yn fawr!
Mr. Powell, Mrs. Webster and Miss Clubb
Files to Download
Dosbarth Pine - Mr Powell: Gallery items
There are no Gallery items to display
Dosbarth Pine - Mr Powell: Calendar items
Pine class Numeracy cafe - 2:15pm, by Miss Clubb