Advice and Guidance using Digital Devices
This page has been designed to help our Parents/Carers keep children safe when using digital devices at home. The internet is like a huge busy city, with lots of networks working alongside one another. It is vital that we look after our children when they are using digital devices at home.
Here are some VERY useful websites that will update you as Parents/Carers with information on various apps, websites and games along with lots of other online safety information:
You will have to create an account on this website, but the information and resources that will be made available to you as Parents/Carers are priceless!
CEOP- Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command. Here you will find lots of information on online safety and how to report any online incidents.
This website will provide you with lots of information on increasing the awareness of how to help and support young people online, as well as providing a helpline to resolve and/or report any incidents.
This website will provide you with current research of young people using the internet, reviews of apps & games as well as much more!
This website promotes innovative, positive and safe use of the internet.
Learn how to stay safe and surf SMART on the internet.
Excellent website for everything parents need to know about keeping children safe online.
A fun site for children to test their e-safety knowledge.
PEGI ratings and guidance about video games.
Information and advice for parents.
There are lots of other websites and resources that you can use to keep children safe when using digital devices and the internet, but these websites offer most of the things you need to know as a Parent/Carer.
Top Tips:
- Talk to your child about what they’re up to online.
- Watch Thinkuknow films and cartoons with your child.
- Keep up-to-date with your child’s development online.
- Set boundaries in the online world just as you would in the real world.
- Keep equipment that connects to the internet in a family space if you can or remove from the bedroom at night time.
- Be aware of and discuss PEGI ratings for games/apps
- Use parental controls on devices that link to the internet, such as the TV, laptops, computers, games consoles and mobile phones.