Dosbarth Pine - Mr Powell 2023 - 2024

Mr Powell

Class Teacher


Croeso i Dosbarth Pine!                                                                 

We hope you have had a restful half-term break! Now let's find out what we will be doing this term- the final term in Year 3!

Our new topic this term is Change! During this term we will be taking a closer look at the human body and healthy eating.


This half term you will be learning...

Maths and Numeracy – fractions, mass, shape and money. 

Language, Literacy and Communication (LLC) - SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar), guided reading, we'll be completing our work on our work on explanation writing and moving on to play scripts.

Science and Technology–  The human body: this will link with our current topic 'Marvellous Me!'  

Topic/ Humnaities –  Marvellous Me! We will be looking closely at the human body, the organs and their functions as well as ways to lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle. During our RVE sessions we will look at relationships and responsibilites. 

Expressive Arts - This AoLE will link into our literacy genre of play scripts. 

ICT – Using basic computer skills through Microsoft Office, Google for Education, Seesaw, Hwb, using various apps on the iPads (including Minecraft and Code Spark) and Chromebooks, using and creating QR codes, how to stay safe online and look at ways to manage our screen time. We will also begin to look at coding by using various digital devices.

Welsh - Pod Antur 1 and 2

Health & Well-being and PE- KiVa, Paws b and creative games and athletics


Helpful information about our class:

Reading - Aim to read at least 3 times a week at home and have your reading diary signed, just like we do during reading sessions in school.

Spelling-  A new weekly spelling list will be given out every Monday, with a small test on the Friday of the same week. We try and focus on each spelling list/ pattern over a two week period.

PE – There is a change of day for our PE sessions this term- PE IS NOW ON A TUESDAY AFTERNOON. Please make sure you come to school dress in the correct PE.


Other notable Calender Events this term:

  • 6th June: D-Day 80th anniversary
  • 13th June: Broughton Park school trip
  • 17th-23rd June: National School Sports Week
  • 17th-21st June: Refugee Week
  • 17th-21st June: Access All Arts Week
  • 14th June-14th July: Euro 2024 (Germany)
  • 1st July: Sports Day


Diolch yn fawr! 

Mr. Powell, Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Mattar. 

Files to Download

Dosbarth Pine - Mr Powell: News items

Road Safety Awareness, by Mrs Brown

Thank you Mr. Cottrell, by Mrs Brown

Road Safety Week, by Mrs Brown

Dosbarth Pine - Mr Powell: Blog items

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Dosbarth Pine - Mr Powell: Gallery items

Road Safety Awareness, by Mrs Brown

Young Voices, by Mrs Brown

Dosbarth Pine - Mr Powell: Calendar items

Tabernacle Street,
Flintshire CH7 2JT
Mrs Sarah Jones, Headteacher