Competition - Fire Service

Calling all parents and pupils!

Competition being run by North Wales Fire and Rescue Service

Due to the popularity of a recent poster competition which has now closed, the Fire Service are running another poster competition for children.

This time they are keen to promote the dangers of burning garden waste – and the prize is a Lego set. The Fire Service would like children to design a poster that explains why burning garden waste is dangerous – children might want to think about the following:

•             The danger to wildlife

•             The risk of fires spreading

•             How fires could cause injury

•             The demand on our fire crews

A catchy slogan for the  poster would also be great!

The Fire Service will be sharing as many entries as possible – so time to get drawing if you can!

Send your name, age, an adult’s name and contact details to [email protected]  - we would also love if children can photograph their entries and upload them to their personal online journals using SeeSaw.

Closing date is the 18th June and  winners will be announced before the end of June by the North Wales Fire Service.

We hope your child/children can take part in this to support our local Fire Service who I am sure you agree do an amazing job.

Best regards, stay safe

# Mrs Brown and The Westwood Team
















Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg - byddwn yn ymateb yn gyfartal i’r ddau ac yn ateb yn eich dewis iaith heb oedi.


We welcome correspondence in Welsh and English - we will respond equally to both and will reply in your language of choice without delay.


Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn profi’ch larwm mwg yn rheolaidd. Os nad oes gennych larwm, neu os ydy’ch larwm wedi torri, ffoniwch 0800 169 1234, anfonwch e-bost i [email protected]  neu ewch i am gyngor  ynglŷn â beth i’w wneud nesaf.


Please make sure that you regularly check your smoke alarm.  If you do not have one, or find that the one that you do have is not working, call 0800 169 1234, e-mail [email protected] or visit for advice on what to do next.

Tabernacle Street,
Flintshire CH7 2JT
Mrs Sarah Jones, Headteacher