Writing Competition

Calling All Westwood Scribblers!

Have you got what it takes to write a truly amazing story for the chance to win 480 books for our school? Welsh Libraries have teamed up with their friends 'Alzheimer’s Society Cymru' to help raise awareness about dementia and they need our incredible stories. 
Every day 480 people across the UK develop dementia and memory loss plays a part in someone’s journey with dementia. Think about some of your favourite memories…a trip to the seaside with your grandad, baking with gran or maybe even fighting dragons at a castle! Now, turn these wonderful memories into a spectacular story.
Your story will be judged by authors and people living with dementia across Wales. If you’re our winning writer you’ll receive 480 books for our school*, a RocketBook and a £50 Amazon voucher to spend on whatever you want. There will also be prizes for two lucky runners-up.
Please hand your story in to Buckley library – no longer than 480 words. You will need to write clearly your name, age, our school name and your class at the end of your story. If you’d like to get really creative and draw a picture to illustrate your story too that would be amazing. You can also email your story as a Word document to [email protected].

Enjoy writing about all your happy memories and good luck if you decide to enter.
*Welsh Libraries will work closely with the winning school to carefully select the 480 books. For more details, please contact [email protected]

Tabernacle Street,
Flintshire CH7 2JT
Mrs Sarah Jones, Headteacher