Dosbarth Pine - Mr Powell: Gallery

Polar explorers for STEM learning @ Techniquest, by Mrs Williams

Date: 10th Feb 2018 @ 4:03pm

A huge thank you to Conor from Techiquest & STEM learning for our Polar Explorer Experience. As you know, Westwood were only 1 of 10 schools chosen to take part in the programme, out of the hundreds schools who applied to be part of it! The children had wonderful time being engineers for the day. You really brought STEM to life!

We will be completing our programme in our classes. On completion of the programme, the children will be awarded a certificate for their magnificent efforts from our Eco Reps.

Look out for more STEM opportunities coming our way in the Spring term!

First Aid @ Westwood, by Mrs Williams

Date: 10th Feb 2018 @ 3:09pm

Well done to all of the Key stage 2 pupils who took part in their First Aid training on Friday 2nd and Friday 9th February respectively,  with Mr Stephen Moore of the St John's Ambulance Wales.

They are all aware of DRs ABC  (ask them) and what to do if they encounter someone needing CPR. 

The children have been awarded a certificate for the training, which they wil receive on their return to school. 

Well done Juniors and a huge thank you to Stephen for providing such a fantastic and life saving opportunity for our children.

Look out for dates in April for the children of Year 1 & 2 to have their first aid experience and an opportunity for you, our parents and carers, to also be trained to be First Aid aware.yes

Xmas 2018 in class 7 - festive munchies!, by Mrs Brown

Date: 22nd Dec 2017 @ 1:32pm

Class 7 enjoying Christmas treats and a movie this afternoon to celebrate the last day of term.

Enjoy the pictures.

Wishing you all the very best for Christmas and the new year.

Best wishes

Mrs Brown and Class 7 


Poetry Year 6, by Mrs Brown

Date: 23rd Nov 2017 @ 2:19pm

Year 6 English Class

In our Oral Poetry Unit, it  has been fun been sharing and reading our favourite poems befrore writing our own and working to perform poetry.


Photos below

Victorian Britain - Bringing learning to life Class 7, 8 and 9, by Mrs Brown

Date: 11th Oct 2017 @ 10:58pm




In History, the children in classes 7, 8 and 9 have been expanding their knowledge of the Victorian era through lots of real life experiences and research tasks.


What was a Victorian classroom like?

During our Victorian day, there were maps and  pictures on the wall, globes for geography and a large, well used bible that the children read from. Children sat in rows,  the very strict teacher stood at the front facing the class to remind them that 'children should be seen and not heard!' Hands and nails were inspected as the children were also reminded that Victorian teachers would drill their children on a daily basis to make them believe that 'cleanliness is next to Godliness'. 

Children wrote on slates with chalk. They wiped the slate clean, by spitting on it and rubbing with their coat sleeve or their finger (... just kidding, but that is how they would have cleaned them if they really were in a Victorian classroom!).   The children learnt that slates could be used over and over. For writing on paper, children used a pen with a metal nib, dipped into an  ink well,  all a bit messy, but great fun and brilliant handwriting practice. For those who needed extra practice, a wax board was used with a sharp, wooden tool which enabled greater control whilst working to strengthen hand muscles.

The children sang 'All things bright and beautiful' and later learnt all about the story of creation. Before the day had ended, the children presented to their peers and we were astounded by their performances...all in a good days work and in true Victorian style.

Enjoy our photos.

Victorian Days in Year 5 & 6, by Mrs Williams

Date: 7th Sep 2017 @ 10:43pm

As soon as we came in on Tuesday, the curriculum kicked with a time travelling experience into the Life and times of Queen Victoria!

The children experienced life as a Victorian child in the School, How the Victorians enterained themselves with craft and needlework. They explored the inventions of the age and a look at life in the Victorian Home. They even fit in a little bit of research on a Victorian area of interest!!

They have had a great start so far... enjoy the pictures!!

Broughton literacy and world of work visit, by Mrs Brown

Date: 2nd Sep 2017 @ 4:55pm


A few snaps from our fantastic literacy and world of work visit to Broughton Retail Park at the end of the summer term.

You were all amazing .

# Making Westwood proud.



Liverpool University Mathematics Competition, by Mrs Williams

Date: 6th Jul 2017 @ 9:37pm

Our fantastic Maths Team has won the Buckley Heat of the Liverpool Mathematics competition held at Buckley Library today! Well Done the Fab Four who represented our School so brilliantly!

We will be representing Buckley in the Liverpool University finals being held at Deeside Leisure Centre on 20th July, Good Luck!

PC Marks Don't Touch Tell with Year 6 pupils today, by Mrs Brown

Date: 19th Jun 2017 @ 9:58am

Don't touch tell!

An excellent morning developing with PC Mark, discussing the dangers of drugs with Year 6 pupils.


Buckley Open Day, by Mrs Brown

Date: 25th May 2017 @ 10:46pm

Fabulous to see pupils past and present at the Buckley open day supporting Westwood.

Westwood pupils #making us proud.

Well done to the three, lucky, raffle ticket winners. All winners were announced before the day drew to a close. One of our very helpful KS2 pupils did an excellent job picking out the tickets, assisted by Mr Nicholson. 

Thank you to the winner of the second prize, from Potters Drive  in Buckley,  who very kindly donated the chocolates back to school for another fund raising event.

Photos as promised - enjoy!

Mrs Brown

KS2 Natwest Money Sense Workshop , by Mrs Brown

Date: 25th May 2017 @ 10:27pm

Money Sense with Natwest in KS2

What a fantastic morning today with Natwest and Moneysense. All children in KS2 worked brilliantly with Natwest Staff; Kyle Sumner-Lewis, Carl Turner and Greg Monks. Children were learning about money, budgeting, saving and spending.  Our visitors were extremely impressed with the  reasoning and mathematical calculations carried out by the children and commented on the excellent work children had done.  

Well done Westwood pupils #making us proud!


Goodnight Mr Birks - Keystage 2 Performance at the Hawkesbury Theatre, Buckley, by Mrs Williams

Date: 21st May 2017 @ 10:49pm

'Goodnight Mr Birks - The story of a WW1 Buckley Hero.'

Due to the amazing success of our Christmas performance- Merry Chritmas- war is over, we are performing our Key Stage 2 play to the community at the Hawkesbury Little Theatre on Wednesday 12th July at 6.30pm and Thursday 13th July at 6.30pm. The tickets are on sale now in the community at Sheila Williams the Jewellers & Costa Coffee, both in the Precinct, and at the school for the Hawkesbury Little Theatre performances priced £2.50. These tickets are readily available to all who wish to purchase them within the Buckley Community. We have sold many tickets at the Buckley Open Day on Sunday. Thank you.

Our School performances for this play are Monday 17th July 2017 at 6.30pm and Tuesday 18th July 2017 at 1.30pm, also priced at £2.50. These tickets are on sale from school only on Monday 19th June 2017, limited to 2 per family.

We hope that you will support our performances and look forward to seeing you either at the Hawkesbury or at School :)

Buckley Open Day, by Mrs Williams

Date: 21st May 2017 @ 10:44pm

Buckley Open Day stall prep.Pick 'n' mix...mass,averages,money&profit in maths.Our fab year 6s are not only clever but they're crafty too.

We are looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday.

Young Voices, by Mrs Brown

Date: 20th May 2017 @ 9:19pm

We are so proud of Westwood's Young Voices - Fantastic singing 

Can't wait until next year - all booked now so watch this space.

Mrs Brown

Stockport-Class 7 & 8, by Mrs Brown

Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 7:44am

Our visit to Stockport Air Raid Shelters

A fabulous time was had yesterday with Class 7 and 8 at Stockport Air Raid Shelters.

It was everything we imagined and more. Such a creative way to bring the topic of WW2 alive for children and adults alike.  We truly experienced what life was like for evacuees and for people living through war time Britain. We spent some time more than 40 foot  underground as the threat of dropping bombs from German planes travelled overhead,  and we prepared to be billeted (it was all very real and a number of the children were most disappointed to find they were going home to Wales at 3pm rather than going off to the Market Square to meet their new war time families ).

No doubt the children will remember the experiences for a long time to come.

Enjoy the photos, more to be posted soon.


Stockport Air Raid Shelters, by Mrs Williams

Date: 11th Jan 2017 @ 8:38pm

Wow What an exciting day! Check out the fun on our photographs and our class newspage:

Year 5 and 6 creative exploits with light , by Mrs Brown

Date: 7th Jan 2017 @ 1:36pm

Fun at our fingertips with light

What can you do with light?  Year 5 and 6 pupils had lots of fun exploring, with great creativity, the potential of light.  They discovered light can make a pair of glasses grow bigger, it can make shadows grow longer, it can be used to create an aviary of birds, show dinosaurs fighting (even though they are extinct!) and make the shadow of a child look  monster sized.  View our photographs and videos before you see what you can do with light. Remember, we would love to see your ideas too, so if you discover what you can do with light please let us know.

Year 5 and 6

Finding mean averages Year 5, by Mrs Brown

Date: 21st Nov 2016 @ 11:02pm

Great fun finding mean averages in maths - well done everyone.

International Day, by Mrs Brown

Date: 13th Nov 2016 @ 9:07pm

International Day was great fun and the children learnt so much.

Our photographs will give you a taste of the activities and what the children were learning about.

A huge thank you to TESCO for spending the day at Westwood  to teach about Diwali. Michelle Scott from TESCO will be back before Christmas to do exciting activities linked to the festive season with children throughout the school - can't wait, thank you Michelle and TESCO in Mold.

Creative 3D learning log activities, by Mrs Brown

Date: 13th Nov 2016 @ 8:56pm

3D Models and creative activities completed as part of learning log homework.

Wow! The staff and pupils, along with parents who joined us for our International afternoon at Westwood have been amazed at the 3D models created  in response to learning log homework.

This follows the brilliant 3D models made by the current Year 6's when they were inspired by Victorian homes and traditions.

Take a look and see what you think! For those of you who have never created 3D homework, perhaps you could have a go too - I'm sure there are lots of hidden artists amongst you. Look for something that inspires you and then get to work...don't forget to bring in what you make and share your efforts.


Car Boot Sale, by Mrs Williams

Date: 9th Nov 2016 @ 10:11pm

All the children received a letter on the 21st October advertising the fantastic carboot sale we are holding at Westwood on Saturday 26th November 2016.

Another reminder will be going out on the 10th November as it is just 2 weeks away. Come on down- We hope to see you there!

Great Orme, by Mrs Brown

Date: 17th Jul 2016 @ 11:22pm

More pictures of our Upper Key Stage 2 trip to Llandudno - we hope you enjoy them!

The Fiver Challenge, by Mrs Williams

Date: 18th Jun 2016 @ 12:56am

The second week of the Fiver Challenge. This week the children have been compiling Market research questionnaires and creating their business plan for their Mathematical services ( lucky games linked to probability, profit and loss).

Their homework identify community engagement with their business and how they will do it!

Mary Poppins, by Mrs Williams

Date: 7th Jun 2016 @ 11:59pm

Here are a couple of tracks from our Key Stage 2 End of Year Production 'Mary Poppins'. Play the songs and practise your singing & dancing...Enjoy!!

Llandudno - Great Orme Tram and Copper Mines, by Mrs Williams

Date: 20th May 2016 @ 8:48pm

Tabernacle Street,
Flintshire CH7 2JT
Mrs Sarah Jones, Headteacher