Dosbarth Birch - Mrs. Brown: Gallery
Outdoor Learning, by Mrs Brown
Date: 4th Nov 2020 @ 11:12pm
A great effort outdoors today from Year 5 and 6 children who moved and relocated the raised beds. Lots of problem solving and team work which was very impressive. A few treasures were found which added to the excitement of our outdoor activities.
We hope you enjoy the photographs and videos with your children everyone.
Kind regards,
Mrs Brown and Mrs Joan Williams
Eiffel Tower Lego Build, by Mrs Brown
Date: 26th Oct 2020 @ 3:11pm
Fantastic to see our French themed home learning project is underway. Fantastic to see that Aiden has uploaded his model of the Eiffel Tower to his SeeSaw account. Well done, Aiden.
Class 10 activities, by Mrs Brown
Date: 14th Sep 2020 @ 9:46pm
Back to school last week for everyone and it was fantastic to hear the sound of children around our classroom once again. Our first week in Class 10 was spent getting to know each other, catching up on stories in the news and simply having a lovely time getting back into the new routines around school.
We hope you enjoy the photos from our first week back,
Mrs Brown, Mrs Joan Williams and Class 10
Westwood Family Loo Roll Challenge, by Mrs Williams
Date: 27th May 2020 @ 8:42pm
VE Day Celebrations, by Mrs Brown
Date: 13th May 2020 @ 12:52am
Hello Everyone,
It was fantastic to see so many families having a fantastic time throughout VE Day and wonderful to see so many answering our call to support the British Legion by taking part in Westwood C.P.s remote celebrations.
Here is a small selection of some of the pictures received on our school Twitter and Instagram account, in true Westwood style we can see what a fantastic time everyone was having. We even got a mention in the leader too!
Please remember to ask your children to upload their photographs to their personal online journals using SeeSaw.
Your child's personal journal is their own learning journey and in time all that they put on it will be there for them to look back on and enjoy.
Thank you
The Westwood Team
Dancing Queen!, by Mrs Williams
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 7:46pm
How wonderful to see such a range of gorgeous dance images from our very own dancing Queen In Year 3 - FT.
Such a wonderful talent! Although we are not in school, FT is wroking so hard doing what she loves- BGT are calling!! #westwoodfamily
Non screen activities from Pobble, by Mrs Williams
Date: 9th Apr 2020 @ 5:01pm
Scavenger Hunts for all the family, by Mrs Williams
Date: 6th Apr 2020 @ 9:14pm
Enjoy these wonderful scavenger hunts :)
Culmington Manor, by Mrs Brown
Date: 17th Feb 2020 @ 1:38pm
A fantastic few days away with amazing children who displayed courage, resilience, enthusiasm, creativity and fantastic teamwork skills.
Hope you enjoy this selection of photos and videos, there are more on Twitter.
Mrs Brown, Mr Powell and Mrs Farrer
YV rehearsals, by Mrs Brown
Date: 13th Jan 2020 @ 12:45pm
Fantastic to hear our newly formed Young Voices choir rehearsing today, great work everyone!
A brilliant reminder of why we love this time of year so much, YV also doubles up as an excellent way of practising reading for 30 minutes every day while we practise for our event at the Manchester Arena, which takes place at the end of the month.
Victorian School Day, by Mrs Brown
Date: 7th Jan 2020 @ 12:10pm
Victorian school day in Year 5 and Year 6
Today the children have been submerged into life as a Victorian child. They have experienced the sternest of a Victorian school teacher, learnt the art of decoupage, developed skills in research and the Cornell note taking method, learnt how to sew; in addition, they have examined, investigated and designed Victorian furniture and designed and developed their toy making skills following research activities.
The children have also had the opportunity to dress as Victorians and script and act out a short movie.
The Year 5 and 6 Team
Wow! What a great day we have had.
Xmas Trail, by Mrs Brown
Date: 17th Dec 2019 @ 5:36pm
Many thanks to Katie Balfour and the members of Buckley Cross Church in Buckley for the fantastic Christmas Trail in Chuch today. The trail was attended by all pupils from Year 1 through to Year 6.
The activities, linked to the story of Christmas, were engaging and interesting, bringing new dimensions to the story for the children.
A most enjoyable day enjoyed by over 200 staff and pupils.
Celebration Assembly, by Mrs Brown
Date: 29th Nov 2019 @ 7:32pm
A lot to be proud of in Celebration Assembly today, fantastic achievements and especially lots of awards for Seren Y Wythnos too.
The children were thrilled to receive a huge thank you from Flintshire Foodbanks for all the food donated during Harvest, thank you to all who contributed.
Da iawn tI Year 6 for top attendance this week.
Welsh Ambassadors advising Jack Sargeant, by Mrs Brown
Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 10:06pm
Fantastic to see Westwood pupils acting as ambassadors for Welsh.
Jack Sargeant, Flintshire's Welsh A.M. was delighted when explaining to the children that he was learning Welsh and trying his best to practice as often as possible because he knows how important it is. When Jack told the children it was a difficult language to learn they were delighted to share with him some of the Flintshire resources we use when learning new sentence patterns. No doubt the resources will be well used when Jack is at home practising his Welsh skills.
Da iawn ti Jack a gwaith da!
Pupil cabinet visit @ County Hall Chambers, by Mrs Williams
Date: 5th Nov 2019 @ 7:53pm
Our Pupil cabinet visited the Flintshire County Council Chambers today to meet Chairperson Councillor Marion Bateman and members of the council. The children from the Pupil Cabinet are members of each of the elected pupil groups at Westwood which are the House Captains, School Council, Criw Cymraeg and Eco Committee.
The children had a tour of the chambers, we elected our Chairperson of the Pupil Cabinet- Finlay H. The children had the opportunity to ask and answer questions of the Chair and discuss their important roles at Westwood. They had refreshments and the received a certificate from their visit too.
The children had a fantastic time and a wonderful experience. They were absolutely amazing today and we are incredibly proud of them all! Gwaith da iawn pawb!
Chester Zoo whole school visit, by Mrs Brown
Date: 30th Sep 2019 @ 8:52pm
Our Chester Zoo Outreach visit took place today in all classes through from Nursery up to Year 6.
Huge thanks to the Outreach team for a most enjoyable day and for broadening children’s understanding of pollution in our oceans and the threats that face animals both on land and in the sea.
Class 7 ~ saving the oceans, by Mrs Brown
Date: 26th Sep 2019 @ 4:43pm
Today, I had the pleasure of working with our Year 3/4 children in Class 7. We all worked hard, learning about the creatures in the world’s oceans and the threats to some of the largest species we know.
Well done Class 7! Your class ocean and your stunning artwork is amazing. I loved the interviews filmed by James too. Fantastic!
Enjoy the photographs.
Mrs Brown
Choir at St Matthews, by Mrs Brown
Date: 6th Jul 2019 @ 11:40am
It was fantastic to see so many Y5 and Y6 pupils representing Westwood last Friday, singing as a choir and supporting Buckley singers.
Well done children, once again you did yourselves and Westwood proud. You are all amazing 🎶🎶
Arboretum visit Y5/6, by Mrs Brown
Date: 3rd Jul 2019 @ 10:47pm
National War Arboretum
An interesting visit that we are sure the children will talk about and remember for a long time to come.
Mrs Brown, Mrs Farrer and the Year 5/6 Team
Successful Futures event, by Mrs Brown
Date: 27th Jun 2019 @ 6:46pm
Sharing our Successful Futures Learning Journey
Grace, Toni and Cai were excellent today sharing Westwood’s learning journey so far with staff, pupils and visitors at Buckley Elfed.
Fantastic work delivering presentations, interacting with a variety of visitors and representing our school.
Diolch yn Fawr
High school visits to Y5 and Y6, by Mrs Brown
Date: 16th Jun 2019 @ 1:39am
This week we were very lucky to have visiting teachers, from both Argoedd and Buckley Elfed, in Class 8 and Class 9 as part of the Transition projects betweeen our schools. The children had lots of fun and a fantastic time learning about Algebra, and using it effectively.
Thank you to Catherine from Argoedd High School who came along with three very helpful, well mannered pupils who assisted in the delivery of the lesson, and to Matt and Adam from Elfed for their hard work with our children.
Dancing stars, by Mrs Brown
Date: 14th May 2019 @ 11:04am
A lovely dancing treat in assembly last week. Well done ladies, you were fantastic!
World Book Day and Red Nose Day, by Mrs Brown
Date: 17th Mar 2019 @ 9:17pm
What a fantastic day, all made possible by the enthusiasm of pupils, parents and staff. The children's outfits were amazing and extremely creative, amazing work from everyone and many thanks for making the 2019 Westwood catwalk a huge success.
Throughout the day, our school was buzzing with excitement and it was brilliant to see so many parents attending the Fair Trade Cafe and reading with their children in the afternoon. Thank you for your support.
Special thanks to Sian, our school cook, for the scrumptious Red Nose Day biscuits made with Fair Trade ingredients, they were a huge hit!
Enjoy the pictures, and don't forget... there are many more on the school Twitter page.
Diolch yn fawr pawb!
Dydd Miwsig Cymru, by Mrs Williams
Date: 8th Feb 2019 @ 7:52pm
Llawer o hwyl yn y cynulliad heddiw. Canu gwych gan bawb! Ewch i'r tîm Westwood!#urdd #DyddMiwsigCymru #teamwestwood