School Council / Cyngor Ysgol

Our School council run fundraising initiatives by the children for the children.

So far this year we have been very busy. 

We started the year by raising over £140 for BBC Children in Need through our PJs to school day. 

We also sold products for the Royal British Legion to support the Poppy Appeal, which also raised over £140. 

As well as this, we have been helping to make big decisions for our lunchtime rewards. We set up our tubes which will encourage children to use their pupil voice and vote on what they want the reward for positive lunch time behaviour to be. The choices are: disco, PJ and teddy day, movie day or sports. We look forward to finding out the winner!

In January, we made a very special visit to County Hall to visit the Chair of Flintshire County Council. 


We hope for more fundraising and activities this year. Watch this space! 


Tabernacle Street,
Flintshire CH7 2JT
Mrs Sarah Jones, Headteacher