Dosbarth Birch - Mrs. Brown: Gallery

National Memorial Arboretum, by Mrs Brown

Date: 14th Aug 2024 @ 1:47am

An interesting and meaningful visit to the National Memorial Arboretum. 

AmaSing at Chester Cathedral - Highlights, by Mrs Brown

Date: 28th Jul 2024 @ 12:40am

Fabulous to have Westwood represented at Chester Cathedral,  as our AmaSing choir from across KS2 took part in an invigorating  performance of singing and dancing at a concert for the Cathedral's audience which included families and friends of Westwood. 

The Great Big Bug Hunt, by Mrs Brown

Date: 28th Jul 2024 @ 12:16am

A super day, bug hunting with Year 2 and Year 6, along with Charley Dutton the reserve officer at Lane End Nature Reserve and Knowle Hill.  

The schools, children and families of Buckley are so lucky to have such beautiful natural resources within walking distance and all easily accessible. 

Road Safety Awareness, by Mrs Brown

Date: 9th Jun 2024 @ 5:37pm

At Westwood, the safety of our students is our top priority. It is crucial for all our children to learn and understand how to stay safe on both familiar and unfamiliar roads.

As part of our commitment to this, we will discuss road safety in all classes. To support this initiative, we ask that adults at home watch the video below with their children and have a discussion about road safety. Your involvement is essential in reinforcing these important lessons.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Westwood Staff


Nant BH 2024 Year 5 and 6, by Mrs Brown

Date: 21st Apr 2024 @ 6:58pm

Another fantastic residential at Nant BH this year - the children were amazing, meeting the challenges to meet the overall aims of  developing a bit of G.R.I.T.


Growth (mindset)  - can do attitude - effort

Resilience - you're on your own, long activities, tiring, physically demanding, sharing effort.

Independence and Interactions - speaking and listening, encouraging/ supporting others, listening and aksing if unsure, following instructions and directions to stay safe

Teamwork - Lots of opportunity for Teamwork e.g. organisation in the dinning room, duty groups, activity groups, dormitory groups, activity groups etc.


Plus consideration/respect - looking after things, thinking about others


We hope families enjoy the pictures and videos as much as we enjoyed watching the development of the children we took this year.




Young Voices, by Mrs Brown

Date: 4th Feb 2024 @ 2:12pm

Young Voices heading for Manchester's AO arena


Our Young Voices choir  is  lyrics, music and dance ready for their performance at Manchester, AO arena. We couldn't be more proud of them and their dedication to lunch time practices and practice after school has been inspirational.


Thank you to those parents who took up the offer of coming to watch their final rehearsal on Friday night, it was great to have you there. We know you'll enjoy being part of the audience in the arena too. 

Mental Health Awareness Day, by Mrs Brown

Date: 21st Oct 2023 @ 1:02am

#Hello Yellow

Mental health Awareness Day is important to us all. It is important to be kind to your body and mind, take time for yourself, promote your own well-being and the wellbeing of those around you.

Help to mobilise efforts in support of mental health, and mental health in an unequal world. Mental health is a universal human right (World Federation for Mental Health). 

Empower yourself and others to help make a positive change that lasts. 

Sports day 2023 KS2, by Mrs Brown

Date: 22nd Jun 2023 @ 9:27pm

A wonderful sports day and some memories to share from Years 3 to 4 races.


We hope you enjoy browsing through the photographs.

More can be viewed if you access the gallery on the school website via a pc, rather than the App (the gallery is on the home page and can be found by scrolling down). 

Remember to check out our school Twitter feed too, also on the home page of the school website  (please note: you do not need a Twitter account of your own to access our Twitter account via the school website.).


With best regards

The KS2 Team 

Note from Lisa Maghak - School Governor, by Mrs Brown

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 5:04pm

Dear Staff, Parents and Pupils of Westwood,

Today I had the absolute pleasure of being invited to school to attend the attestation for the class of year 5 and watched with pride as they were sworn in by the Chief Inspector as Mini Police.

The children looked amazing in their Mini  Police uniforms, and it was lovely to see so many parents and carers there to support them. The children all received a Police badge and where excited as one by one they all sat in the driver's seat of the police van, which they all loved, and then, I think the most exciting thing for them was being allowed to set off the Police Siren! :-).
This is a wonderful opportunity for the school and the pupils, for them to be advocates of the police, and very much encouraged to liaise with them on a regular basis, giving the police ideas and suggestions of what they could put in place to make Buckley a better, safer place to be..or just to suggest how things that are already in place can be improved.
Thank you for allowing me to be part of this wonderful event...I look forward to the next installment :-)
Lisa Maghak
Vice Chair of Governors.

Dodgeball Fun, by Mrs Brown

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 5:07pm

Fantastic to see so many enthusiastic dodgeballers tonight at Mr Powell's after school club.  

Great to be back at school, by Mrs Brown

Date: 7th Sep 2022 @ 9:47pm

What a super first week back it has been so far. Great to see the children in Birch class working together on their return, filled with enthusiasm and brimming with creative ideas. 


Farewell to Mrs Williams, by Mrs Brown

Date: 17th Jul 2022 @ 12:13pm

Mrs Williams joined Westwood as Deputy Head and Year 6 teacher in 2012,  taking up the post of Head Teacher in 2018, when Mr Nicholson left.

On Friday, children and staff said a fond farewell in a special assembly as Mrs Williams begins her  post of lecturer at Glyndwr University in Wrexham in August. 

We wish Mrs Williams the very best of luck as she moves forward to persue her dream job, working with teachers of the future.



Year 6 Leavers, by Mrs Brown

Date: 16th Jul 2022 @ 11:18pm

A fond farewell to our fantastic Year 6 pupils, you will all be missed at Westwood but will forever be part of our Westwood family. Take care of yourselves and enjoy your well earned summer holiday. 

Nant BH 2022, by Mrs Brown

Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 12:35pm

Nant BH Set 1 pictures (Please check for next posting)- lots of happy memories to look back on - a fantastic residential with amazing children.  Please enjoy the photos, there are lots of them so you may wish to make a cuppa to sip on as you look through. 02B05603-6EDC-4D9D-8E40-406E46966AB6.jpeg

History with Mr Cottrell - linked to our studies of war, by Mrs Brown

Date: 6th May 2022 @ 10:59pm


An informative session with Mr Cottrell, our school caretaker,   who spoke to Year 6 pupils in Birch class about his experiences as a member of the 2nd battalion Mercian Regiment. Thank you Mr Cottrell for inspiring our learning and teaching us about the importance of overcoming challenges, respecting others and valuing friendships. Super examples of the work Mr Cottrell inspired can be seen below. Thank you Mr Cottrell.

Mr Cottrell has also offered to come in to speak to pupils in Magnolia and Douglas Fir over the coming weeks which is fantastic news for the children.

Peace in Ukraine Day - supporting the Schools of Sanctuary, by Mrs Williams

Date: 14th Apr 2022 @ 7:46am

Our Peace in Ukraine Day on Thursday 7th March

Thank you all for your amazing support on the 'Peace in Ukraine Day'. Everyone looked fantastic in their Blue and Yellow as we raised awareness and money for the Red Cross response in the Ukraine. We sold out of all the bracelets and keyrings in our shop- with lots more of your ordering bracelets to show your support. This is on top of your amazing support of donations at our Westwood drop off point. We cannot thank you enough. 

Many of you may know that many Ukrainian refugees will be coming to North Wales to seek sanctuary from the horrors happening in their country. Westwood is a place of sanctuary and we hope you will be supportive of our efforts to be a school of sanctuary.

What is a School of Sanctuary?

  • A place that fosters a culture of welcome and safety for people seeking sanctuary, including asylum seeking and refugee families.
  • Educates the whole school community about the human right to sanctuary and identifies practical means for schools to demonstrate that commitment.
  • Builds empathy and intercultural awareness through promoting the voices and contributions of people seeking sanctuary, encouraging an understanding of the experiences of displaced people and helping to combat stereotypes.

Why become a School of Sanctuary?

Schools play a crucial role in helping young people to make sense of the world, to become   responsible citizens and to create positive change in their communities.

Schools are often at the forefront of receiving and supporting those forcibly displaced through conflict AND through no fault of their own – for example, nearly a quarter of  asylum seekers in the year ending September 2019 were under 18. Young people in the UK need not only to learn about these issues but where possible meet people face-to-face who have lived experience of  displacement in order to understand both their local communities and the wider world better. Up to press, in Ukraine, over 3.6 million people have been    displaced and are refugees.

Westwood is committed to becoming a School of Sanctuary. Our work to date, has included communities and you as our stakeholders. Our latest curriculum work in Key stage 2, explored ‘Little Amal’ and the plight of refugee children. Our ‘Peace in Ukraine’ day allowed our children to explore the need for peace in our world, it is our children’s world we need to protect. We are  also planning events in Refugee week, from Monday 20the June, with a launch assembly on 17th June, with the Flintshire City of Sanctuary Team. Watch this space on how you can support our school community to become not only ethically informed citizens, but a school of sanctuary that allows us to:

  • Build a school culture that reduces intolerance, hate speech and bullying
  • Build an inclusive and supportive school community
  • Increase pupil voice and promoting active & engaged citizenship
  • Engage families and strengthening the school’s role in the local community
  • Promote well-being & community cohesion by building empathetic school environments


Thank you for your ongoing awareness and support—Team Westwood & our House Captains



Eisteddfod @ Westwood - March 2022, by Mrs Williams

Date: 12th Apr 2022 @ 8:20am

In March 2022,  we held our Eisteddfod across all three areas of school, much to the delight and excitement of the children!

So many skills and talents on show from writing to dancing;  recitations and singing. The pupil and parent competitions were outstanding! We had a very special judge, Llinos from Ysgol Maes Garmon, who joined our judges Mrs Maguire and Miss Jones to present awards to the best presented house—Gelert; Foundation phase winners—Kyffin; and the Junior Eisteddfod winners- Llewelyn!

Special congratulation to Jenson who won the Year 6 Eisteddfod chair for writing.

Llongyfarchiadau pawb!! Here are some of the highlights and check out the Eisteddfod album on our website, on Twitter and on  Instagram too! Llawer o hwyl!!





World Book Day, by Mrs Williams

Date: 11th Apr 2022 @ 10:57am

World Book Day @ Westwood

One of the highlights of the school calendar – loved by the children and staff, where we all take part in bookish activities and dressed to impress as our favourite book characters. From Encanto to Super Heroes; Harry Potter to Mine Craft!! The costumes were amazing and we had the best day! Thank you, as always, for your amazing support on World Book Day. Do not forget to check out our gallery on the website!



Den Building Day, by Mrs Brown

Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 8:15pm


This half term all classes will be having lots more fun learning outdoors. Year 5 and Year 6 pupils started the ball rolling with den building this week as they unleashed the magic of the forest and learnt about square lashing, forked branches and den designs.


Collecting natural materials and combining them with manmade materials to design and construct shelters for protection when the weather is damp  and wet.


Climate Change Conference, by Mrs Brown

Date: 25th Oct 2021 @ 10:31pm


Boris Johnson speaks to kids about climate change ahead of COP 26
Boris Johnson speaks to children about climate change and what can be done to help future generations

Did you see Boris Johnson speaking live about 'climate change' during his kids conference? If not you can watch the conference here.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson hosts Kids Climate Change Press Conference (25 October, 2021)

Follow the link below.

Right click on the link above , then click 'open link' to see the video conference.

Some interesting questions from children in this Youtube video of the Prime Minister listening to children during the Kids Climate Change Press Conference.

Some equally interesting answers from the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, too.

Children, as you watch and listen, make some notes about the responses that are given by the Prime Minister and Tanya Steel theChairperson of the World Wildlife Fund -WWF, in advance of COP26 which is a very important summit which world leaders are hoping will lead to actions to stop climate change.  Bring your notes to school to share with your teacher and your classmates. 

You can upload your notes onto SeeSaw too, record a message about climate change and what you learnt from listening to the Kids Climate Change Press Conference.

The Westwood Teaching Team


ECO News, by Mrs Brown

Date: 24th Apr 2021 @ 4:33pm

National Outdoor Learning Week and Current Affairs

Children in Bubble E are taking a keen interest in the health of our planet. First News Newspapers are a brilliant resource for children to find out about current affairs and to understand the threats to our planet, along with all things that live on it.

This week Bubble E enjoyed First News Friday, where all children in Bubble E scanned First News Newspapers for stories relating to Eco news and  threats to the environment, habitats and living things. Check out the pictures to see the fantastic display the children in Bubble E are creating to highlight the threats to our Eco system ( a suggestion from our Eco Committee members in Bubble E).  The children's display (photo below)  is work in progress - watch this space for the finished piece.

Pupils from Class 9 contributing their selected First News stories to the Bubble E display board
Pupils from Class 10 contributing their selected First News stories to the Bubble E display board.



Outdoor learning week - Bubble E, by Mrs Brown

Date: 24th Apr 2021 @ 2:50pm

National Outdoor Learning Week with Year 5 and 6 (Bubble E)

Wow! What a fantastic week with you all, with all our lessons outdoors inspired by your pupil voice.

*3D Grass Sculpting / Painting

*Measuring distance / Measuring volume and capacity / Problem solving linked to maths and all problems devised by pupils!

*An afternoon picnic with pupil made sandwiches, hot chocolate topped with marshmallows and porridge for our morning session.

*A treasure hunt in Forest School for some of you  - well done Leila for her fantastic finds!  

We hope you all enjoyed it!

Mrs Brown, Mrs Hawkins and Miss Jones


Measure- capacity and volume

Eisteddfod 2021, by Mrs Williams

Date: 25th Mar 2021 @ 11:53pm

We hope you enjoy the Eisteddfod entries this year!

Thank you for your support :)






Chance to Shine, by Mrs Brown

Date: 12th Dec 2020 @ 12:22am

The children in KS2 offered up a huge thank you, and fantastic 'class made' thank you cards in appreciation of the fantastic cricket sessions delivered over two weeks by Rachel, a dedicated and enthusiastic coach/ambassador for cricket. 

Staff and pupils thoroughly enjoyed having  Rachel in school to deliver the Chance to Shine Cricket programme and we look forward to more visits in the new year for children in Foundation classes too. 

Tabernacle Street,
Flintshire CH7 2JT
Mrs Sarah Jones, Headteacher